Time to Start a New Cross Season

It's that time of year again: cyclocross season. Cyclocross means bikes, dirt, mud, beer, heckling and rain. Well, for most of the world cyclocross means mud and rain. While living in Southern California I had to substitute dust and heat for rain and mud. This year things are changing. I've made the move to Portland and look forward to some real cyclocross weather.
I've probably romanticized the idea of rain and mud a little too much. Unfortunately, cold typically goes hand in hand with rain and mud. Being from SoCal, we'll see how I do with the cold — by cold I mean sub 60's.
Cyclocross season got off to its unofficial start last weekend with Kruger's Kermesse Farm Crit. What is a farm crit you might ask? It's basically a cyclocross race without any of the dismounting. It's a good way to brush off the cobwebs and ease into the season.
My prayers for rain were answered, thank you to the Pacific Northwest. To top it off I got rain and temps in the mid to upper 60's, which was quite comfortable for my tender SoCal self. In addition to rain and mud we were treated to stellar skies. What a great way to start off the season. Check out some shots from the race below. You can also look at some of my other racing images in the cyclocross album.