St Johns Bridge

Since my first visit to Portland I've been fascinated by the St Johns Bridge. In a city full of bridges this is the one that seems to call my name the most. While the other bridges, like the Steel Bridge, are interesting, the St Johns stands out. It might be the great shape of the bridge towers, the thought that went into the design of the supports below the bridge or the stark contrast of human engineering against the trees of Forest Park but there is definitely something that makes this bridge special.
Every time I cross the bridge or even just see it on my morning bike rides, I always hope for the perfect picture. While the bridge never disappoints, I've struggled to capture the moment that I see in my head. The other day during a light rain I got my chance. The fog hanging in the hills, wet roads and a break in traffic allowed me to get close to one of the images that I have hoped for.
I'm happy to have had this moment with the bridge and one of these images will be hanging on my wall. This doesn't mean I'm done striving for the perfect shot...